STEM is hard; It's the hard that makes it great.


Facebook post:

What's your recommendation for an online school platform available to all that is fun and easy and accelerates learning especially in stem (sic) subjects up through college. Our local library is looking for recommendations.

First two responses:



My response: Just for the record, it's the hard that makes STEM learning good. (Gif of Geena Davis' character from A League of Their Own catching a fast ball with her hand.)

Screen capture of Facebook post by Heather Dodds with text: Just for the record, it's the hard of STEM learning that makes it good. Gif of Geena Davis catching fast ball with her hand from A League of Their Own.

Absolutely; curiosity and perseverance matter. I loved physics in high school, but got a 64 on my first calculus-based physics exam in college. Drank 9 shots at TGIFridays that night and nearly puked in the parking lot. Later I professed true love for my ceiling fan.

STEM is hard. 

Add 10 years and I was tutoring students in Calculus. Add 17 years & I taught physics in college. Add 21 years and I was part of the team launching Calculus & Differential Equations courses for Computer Science majors. 

A friend once counseled me: PhDs aren't smarter, they're tenacious; they hang on longer than everyone else. I bit in and did not let go. 

Today, I can inform you that I completed my quantitative quasi-experimental nonrandomized control group pre test post test study with original research, analyzed with SPSS.

And if you are rude to me, I make you call me Doctor.

Meme from A League of Their Own with text: It's supposed to be hard. If it wasn't hard, everyone would do it. The hard is what makes it great" Photo of female baseball player at bat.