XR Accessibility & Instructional Design


Photo of ramp going up gradually in a building bathed in light blue colors.

The topic has come up again. I guess I should start being happy that it's coming up again and again. The topic is accessibility versus XR as instructional designers see it. The throw-down response of some instructional designers is "XR is not accessible" and they discard it as real learning option for the future.

Capture of social media post with text: I have had, and continue to have concerns about the accessibility of IR & VR in education.

So I gathered 7 examples (current as of August 2022) of organizations and people working FOR accessibility and I posted them. I'm re-sharing them here. 

This is quick in - out, giving IDs examples they can quote that XR is gaining ground on accessibility.

I hold to my premise: 

In general, people care and they want MORE people to enjoy XR versus less.


Just this week, the FrameVR platform (a good example of WebXR) announced live captioning along with translations. https://twitter.com/gabriel.../status/1561793880835575808... 


WebXR in general is good for smartphone access which can help with internet access and speed accessibility problems too. 
I recently attended a conference session with examples of how low access continents like Africa are racing ahead with WebXR. https://youtu.be/le1WHqtiBzM?t=7164)

Sight & Mobility

Organizations like EqualEntry produces video interviews with designers and testers. I would recommend these 2: VR for the blind https://youtu.be/CjILBKqOZ3g and VR for the physically disabled: https://youtu.be/lwmAFHAj6EI

Cognitive (& All)

XRAccess is another organization that is heavily working on standards https://xraccess.org/ - these will show up for IDs as *defaults* when we work with platforms in the future (READ: default closed captioning, default bubble spaces, default no flying, etc.)

I'm gearing up to talk more about Virtuleap, VR for cognitive exercise & monitoring, on my social media channels. https://virtuleap.com/


There are even efforts to use VR to combat the negative effects of VR (READ: vertigo.) https://youtu.be/E6jFqqy0wes
But if you explore nothing else from an ID perspective the first 1:30 of this video shows that accessibility is gaining ground...https://youtu.be/rvsZ1ssyom8

This article is not meant to be exhausting and lord knows I love the research teams out there working on these topics. Hey neurodiversity & medical XR research teams, I see you!! They are doing SO MUCH.

Don't count XR out when it comes to accessibility. Not by a long shot.

Organizations to watch





Mozilla Hubs

#Accessibility #XR #WebXR #EqualEntry #Virtuleap #XRAccess #FrameVR #MozillaHubs #Vision #Sound #Mobility #Cognitive #VirtualReality #AR #MR

Simultaneously posted to LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/xr-accessibility-instructional-designers-dodds-ph-d-