
I'm getting a pretty strong reputation for being the most anti-XR person associated with XR. That's fine. Proud of it. Trying hard to explain my point of view.

But I thought I would get into writing my prognostication about the future of XR.

In the next 5-10 years (closer to 10 than 5), the XR education market will explode. Entering the metaverse for a class or meeting will be JUST AS COMMON as entering a Zoom meeting is now (very common in 2023, and hated, such as the phrase "Zoom fatigue"). BTW, similarly maligned analogous technologies: PowerPoint or Second Life.

The quality of what will be produced will run the gamut; great to garbage.

After the market becomes saturated (and here comes the kicker) learning results will decrease (from what will appear to be ever increasing highs) and the overall impact of XR on education will be essentially nill.  It will be "another thing".

There. Forecast made.

Oh and here's a video.